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Ticmate 소개

  • 백퍼센트 안전 결제 시스템

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  • 티켓 판매량 350 만 돌파

Ugly Duck

비슷한 경험

비슷한 카테고리

Velvet Pines

티켓: Velvet Pines

Velvet Pines

최저가격 ₩ 326,425
Swamp Motel presents Velvet Pines, London's ground-breaking immersive Christmas Party experience.  Offering the finest 3 course mouth-watering menu. Featuring inventive cocktails and full throttle cabaret to create the ultimate festive group party - where it's all about the apres, in a secret warehouse location.  With a blizzard rolling in from the mountains and reports of yetis in the hills, the evening is sure to be filled with surprises...

오시는 길

Velvet Pines

49 Tanner Street London SE1 3PL


English helpdesk

+1 855 325 0977 +1 855 325 0977

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